1/48 Do-17Z-2 German Light Bomber

This next build is the 1/48 ICM Do-17Z-2 World War II German light bomber. This is a twin-engined light bomber produced by Dornier Flugzeugwerke for the German Luftwaffe during World War II. It was nicknamed the “Flying Pencil” (Fliegender Bleistift) and was known for its excellent handling especially at low altitude. Coupled with the twin engines and the speed it could attain it was more difficult to shoot down than the larger twin engine bombers. It was utilized early in the war until it was replaced with the Do-217 which had larger engines, longer range and a larger bomb bay.

This model will be built using one of Eduard’s newer “LOOK” set which is a highly detailed resin instrument panel and photo etch seat belts. The scheme I will be doing is that of the Kampfgeschwader 76 (KG 76) stationed in France during August 1940.

Starting with the cockpit the kit comes with some nice details. I used some of my spare photo etch to add some extra details like the wiring and replacing the plastic levers with photo etch versions. For the pilot’s seating area I made a decal of the compass face and applied it to the center piece. I then painted the Dornier logo on the center of the control stick. A few photo etch seat belts completed the assembly. The Eduard instrument panel was then mounted in place. The co-pilots seat was built and detailed with photo etch seat belts and mounted into position. I had to do some mold mark clean up in the center bay and installed the framing sections. I have just a couple of details to add and then the fuselage can be assembled.

This second week of the Do-17Z I assembled the fuselage and added the tail wheel. I opted to add the extra fuel tank into the forward bomb bay. I then built the main landing gear. The wings were then installed. This required some work. First, the forward edge needed to be sanded on the inside to that it was the same height as the fuselage. There is also a 1.0mm gap on the forward edge as well. The rest of the wing lined up well on the rear and along the wing roots. I filled the gap with some putty.

While the putty was drying I assembled the bomb racks for the aft bomb bay and started to build the main landing gear bays. Once the putty cured I wet sanded the areas. I still need to clean and add the panel lines in the area. I then had to add some putty to the forward bulkhead of the gear bays in a few spots. I am working on the rest of the main gear bays and then onto the nacelles/engines.

Welcome to week three of the Do-17Z. This week I installed the bomb racks into the bomb bay. The main gear bays have been built up and the nacelles have been installed. The engine mounts were assembled and I started on the engines. The engine cylinders were painted using Vallejo Metal Air paint. I used manifold gray for the cylinders themselves and duraluminum for the block and pushrods and covers. The bell housing was painted german gray. I cut strips of photo etch and panted them khaki gray. These were then installed for the wiring on the engines. The intake tubing were painted duraluminum. There are two choices for the exhaust. One set has exhaust tips that sit just under the cowl and the optional set has the exhaust pipes exiting thru the top of the cowls. The scheme that I am doing has the latter style. The exhaust ends are just flat ends. I used a micro-drill bit and drilled the exhaust ends to open them.

The engine was installed on the engine mounts then the assembly was installed onto the wings. The front of the cowling was then installed. The cowl side panels need to have the exhaust cut outs opened for the exhaust style I am using. These were trimmed open with a hobby knife and then a round file was used to smooth and shape the openings. I am now working on finishing the cowls and then I will be installing the main landing gear. I am getting closer to doing the initial base coat of paint.

 Here we at the fourth week of the Do-17Z-2. After cutting out the exhaust areas on the cowl panels the cowls were assembled and installed. The main landing gear was installed as well. I then painted the landing gear and bomb bay doors and began painting the base coat. For the underside I used Tamiya XF23 (RLM-65), for the splinter camouflage on the topside I used Tamiya XF61 (RLM-71) and XF27 (RLM-70), and for the propeller hubs I am using Vallejo RLM-04.

The aircraft has six machine guns that are provided in the kit. The forward gun sight is a molded circle. I trimmed these off and added some photo etch sights from my photo etch extras. I am working on the decals now. The kit decals are very nice. So far they are going on very well and conforming to the surface nicely. I should have this build completed by next week.

The Do-17Z is now finished. I applied the kit decals and made the symbol on the tails for historical accuracy. Then the final top coat of clear was sprayed on to seal the decals and provide a nice finish. The canopy, nose, and underside windows were painted and the guns were installed. They were all then mounted on the fuselage. I cut off the tail navigation light which was molded with the model and made a clear lens. The propellers were panted and installed. I then added the antenna as the final step to finishing this build.

This was a fun build. The kit is very good with the exception of the wing to fuselage fit. The clear parts fit great and were easy to mask and paint. The large canopy and nose are very good in clarity allowing the cockpit details to easily be seen. The decals went down very well and conformed to the surface with only a little decal solution. The details of the kit are well defined. Thank you for following along and happy modeling!

1 thought on “1/48 Do-17Z-2 German Light Bomber

  1. anthony dagostino July 22, 2022 — 11:51 am

    Nice looking aircraft! Extremely impressed by the clarity and openness of the canopy and nose. I guess the mostly flat facets help with the high visibility to enjoy. Looking forward to the next build, while outside my wheel house, it’s still going to be fun, especially with the lighting, which is always a treat!

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